PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Tax-Exempt Organizations

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In today’s increasingly regulated environment, non-profit organizations face many of the same roadblocks as for-profit enterprises. With frequent changes in tax law, increased scrutiny by boards of directors and rising concerns about compliance and governance, non-profits regularly encounter an array of challenges.

At PKF O’Connor Davies, our goal is to transform those challenges into opportunities.

Drawing on extensive knowledge and practical experience with not-for-profit organizations of all types, our experts provide a full range of services for tax-exempt organizations. They take the time to understand each client’s unique objectives and then provide the resources to translate those goals into actionable reality.

Innovative solutions to help ensure compliance and maintain tax-exempt status.

We assist clients in establishing and maintaining tax-exempt organizational structure and advise on initial formation of the organization to qualify for tax-exempt status under IRS guidelines and, where applicable, state requirements. Additional services include:

  • Filing for determination of exempt status
  • Planning for unrelated business income
  • Planning and compliance for prohibited transactions
  • Planning and compliance for related party transactions
  • Restructuring with related taxable entities
  • Charitable donation reporting and compliance
  • State tax-exempt rules analysis and compliance
  • Designing charitable giving strategies for organizational donors
  • Representation before the IRS and state tax authorities