PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Tax Compliance and Reporting

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For companies of all sizes, expanding into new markets presents promising opportunities for increasing market share and profitability. With these benefits come often unforeseen tax risk and reporting compliance challenges.

At PKF O’Connor Davies, we understand that each organization has different tax compliance and reporting needs. We assess each client’s unique situation and recommend strategies that align with their business and personal financial goals. We tailor our services to help clients achieve their mission of high quality, lower-cost compliance, while reducing the inherent risks in compliance and reporting processes.

Effective, customized tax strategies that align with business and personal financial goals.

Rely on PKF O’Connor Davies for Tax Compliance and Reporting Services, including:

  • Strategic Tax and Retirement Planning
  • Tax Returns for Individuals, Estates, Trusts, Partnerships,
  • Corporations, Foundations,
  • Gift Taxes, Sales and Use Tax, FBAR and FATCA
  • Federal, State, and Local Taxation Compliance
  • Foreign, State and Local Tax Consulting and Compliance
  • Transactional Planning and Structuring
  • Representation Before Tax Authorities
  • Business Structuring
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Sales and Use Tax Research & Compliance
  • Pensions and Employee Benefit Plan Compliance