Publicly-traded companies must answer to stakeholders while simultaneously enduring the scrutiny of regulators. Management teams at these multi-dimensional companies are under pressure to implement and maintain a system of controls that facilitates proper reporting and operating efficiency.
Our specialists understand the needs of publicly-traded management teams and provide extensive audit, review and compilation services that help these companies ensure compliance, gain investor confidence, and sustain business growth. Their in-depth experience with regulatory compliance for publicly-traded companies complements enviable skill in the audit procedures regulated by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). PKF O’Connor Davies has been serving publicly registered clients in a variety of industry sectors since 1970 and therefore, our clients expect – and benefit from – the highest level of audit quality. Our teams collaborate with those of our clients to assure ongoing communication and updates on new and evolving regulations.
Outstanding capabilities that provide publicly-traded companies with superior audit quality.
Audit Related Services for Publicly Traded Companies
- Certified audits
- Audits of internal control over financial reporting
- Acquisition audits
- Pro forma financial statements
- Assistance with registration statements filed with the SEC
- Review of the 8K filings with the SEC
- Assistance with other filings with the SEC
- Filing reviews for registrants who are audited by foreign member firms of PKF International
- Client representation at pre- or post-filing conferences with the SEC and assistance in responding to SEC comment letters
- Internal control reviews – SSAE 16, SOC 1 and 2 reports
- Compliance, including Dodd-Frank, AIFMD, corporate, investor mandate compliance
- IT cybersecurity services
Accounting/Advisory Services for Publicly Traded Companies
- Preparing the books and records for audit
- Testing internal controls in connection with management’s assessment of internal control over financial reporting
- Preparing disclosures in the business overview, management discussion and analysis, and liquidity sections of the registration statement
- Accounting for acquisitions, including fair value measurment
- Providing certain tax services
- Preparing financial statements and related footnote disclosures
- Valuation – fair value analysis under ASC820
- Due diligence
PKF O’Connor Davies is registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). It is also a member of the Center for Audit Quality of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.