PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Webinar Replay: Not-For-Profit Executive Forum

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November 17, 2022

Watch this Zoom recording of our Not-for-Profit Executive Forum designed to help not-for-profit organizations identify and manage operational and personnel challenges, initiate a cryptocurrency gift acceptance policy, comply with recent tax changes and discover the best approach to apply the new lease accounting standard. Our specialists shared insights and best practices that executive management and Board members can use to address changes associated with governance, operations, financial reporting and tax filings. 

Zoom Recording Here
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Key Topics

  • A discussion of the major challenges facing not-for-profits, including talent acquisition and retention.
  • A step-by-step example of how to adopt the new lease accounting standard.
  • Tax compliance in a post-pandemic world.
  • Best practices for accepting and managing cryptocurrency donations.

Mark Piszko, CPA, CGMA, Partner-in-Charge, Not-for-Profit Services Group

PKF O’Connor Davies
Alexander Buchholz, CPA, MBA, CGMA, Partner, Not-for-Profit Services Group
Garrett Higgins, CPA, Partner-in-Charge Exempt Organization Tax and Advisory Services
Kristin Anderson, CPA, Senior Manager, Exempt Organizations Tax and Advisory Services 
Kevin Keane, Jr., CPA, Senior Manager, Financial Services

Amy West, CPA, CGMA, Executive Vice-President and CFO