PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Webinar Replay: Hospitality Industry Update

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December 15, 2020

What do we see and hear, and how does it affect the hospitality industry? Don’t miss out on current trends and issues in the hospitality industry. With the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not difficult to imagine that the economic impact could linger for several more months and potentially years to come. Our leading experts shared their insights on current market trends, statistics and tax matters.

Webinar Replay Here

Key Topics:
• Current trends in occupancy rates, REVPAR and forecasts
• State of capital and debt transactions
• Tax matters for consideration

PKF O’Connor Davies Hospitality Practice Leaders
Henry A. Freire, Partner
Clare E. Cella, Partner
Ronald R. Martinez, Senior Manager

Featured Speakers
STR, Inc.
Ryan Lynch, Business Development Executive, Industry Partners

PKF hotelexperts group
Adam Maclennan, Managing Director, Head of U.K. & Ireland
Baron Ah Moo, Managing Director, Head of U.S.
Channing Henry, Managing Director, Head of U.S.

PKF O’Connor Davies
Christopher Migliaccio, Senior Manager