PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Paid Family Leave — New Benefit Under New York Workers Compensation Laws

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July 11, 2017

Article Excerpt: 

A new benefit called Paid Family Leave will soon become part of the New York Workers Compensation Laws. Paid Family Leave is different from the following two existing benefits:

  1. Disability Benefits under the New York Workers Compensation Laws — provides for a maximum of 26 weeks of paid leave of absence for one’s own personal health, and
  2. Family Medical Leave under the Family & Medical Leave Act — provides for a maximum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave of absence for taking care of serious illness for one’s self or a family member, the birth of a child, or care of a covered service member.

Broadly speaking, Paid Family Leave guarantees paid leave and job protection to New York families who need to take care of a family member’s serious health condition, or to bond with a new child, or who have family members under active military duty employment or have been notified of an impending call or order of active duty.  

The effective date of Paid Family Leave is January 1, 2018.