PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors


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With advancements in audio and visual communication technologies, the healthcare industry has been working toward developing a greater role for telemedicine.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued Memorandum M-20-17 dated March 19, 2020, Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations.

In response to the many conversations we have had with employers and plan sponsors related to the economic disruption caused by COVID-19, we are providing this comprehensive update.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin announced today (March 20, 2020) that tax returns for individuals and businesses scheduled to be due April 15, 2020 will, instead, be due on July 15, 2020.