PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors


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The M&A market just finished a record setting year. Compared to 2020, both the number of deals and deal value were up significantly. This robust growth was across all deal sizes but was especially pronounced for deals over $1 billion.

As many in the private foundation community know, private foundations are allowed to distribute grants to organizations other than public charities ‒ such as foreign entities, for-profit entities, individuals, and other private foundations ‒ on condition that the disbursements are strictly for charitable purposes and certain steps are taken.

In terms of cybersecurity (or lack thereof), the year 2022 starts out petty much as it ended in 2021: cyber criminals of all stripes are actively pursuing information from your computer system so they can leverage it on their behalf.