Partners Jon Klerowski and Alexander Buchholz and Director Brian McDonough highlight “Five Specific Risks and Five Actions to Help Prevent Nonprofit Fraud” in an article recently published by NonProfitPRO. While the accounting department is not solely responsible for fraud detection and prevention, it is an organization’s primary line of defense against improper use of funds. Opportunity is a key component of the fraud triangle. Equip your organization with the tools it needs to maintain public confidence and support.
Click here to read the full article.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, contact your PKF O’Connor Davies client service team or:
Jon Klerowski, CPA, CFE, ABV
Partner | 781.937.5729
Alexander K. Buchholz, CPA, CGMA, MBA
Partner | 646-965-7783
Brian McDonough, CPA, CFE
Director | 781.937.5362