PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Disqualified Persons and the Private Foundation — Who Are They?

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August 16, 2017

Article Excerpt:Certain questions on the Form 990-PF relate to transactions with “disqualified persons.” We often are asked — sometimes by board members themselves — “Who are disqualified persons?” It may be helpful to have the list below handy for easy reference and to help ensure that self-dealing does not occur. 

Self-dealing transactions are described on the IRS website as they relate to the private foundation.


With respect to a private foundation, the following are referred to as “disqualified persons” with respect to certain transactions:

  • an officer, director, or trustee of a foundation;
  • an employee or other  individual having powers or responsibilities similar to those of an officer, director or trustee;