PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors

Coronavirus Update from PKF O’Connor Davies

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March 17, 2020

Dear Clients,

Just a few weeks ago, as the nation was starting to contemplate the impact of Coronavirus on our teams, businesses and communities, we planned a system stress test for today – the day after the March 16th tax deadline. We wanted to make sure that PKF O’Connor Davies was fully prepared should the need to work remotely become necessary.

A lot has changed since then, but we stayed true to our plans and as I write this, I can confidently say that we are ready. So ready in fact, beginning tomorrow, we will close our offices to all but a small crew. We have strongly encouraged all of those who can do so, to work from home.

While working remotely, our team will be guided by the same safe and sound best practices and systems that we employ in the office. This includes the ability to readily answer your questions and to be of service, as is expected.

We appreciate that for some, this is a big departure from how you typically interact with us, especially at this time of year. For those of you who are accustomed to coming into our offices, we ask that you work with your PKF O’Connor Davies team members to enroll in our Client Portal where documents can be transmitted electronically; or to make alternate arrangements if needed. We’re here to help. And we look forward to a day, hopefully sooner than later, when we can again shake hands and catch-up.

Thank you for placing your trust in us for all of these years. We are resilient and we know that you are too. As always, we’re here if you need us. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help.


Kevin J. Keane
Managing Partner