New Tax Law Could Affect Not-for-Profits
The historic tax reform bill approved by Congress expected shortly to be signed into law by President Trump — the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Bill” — will affect almost all individual and corporate taxpayers beginning in 2018. Not-for-profit organizations, as well, may be affected, though the actual impact is difficult to determine at this point.
House and Senate Conferees Sign and Release the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Bill
The House and Senate conferees signed and released a Conference Agreement which reconciled the differences in their respective versions of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (H.R. 1), on December 15, 2017.
Navigate the Increased Scrutiny of Transfer Pricing with Confidence
As the global economy expands into every corner of the world, fiscal authorities are seeking more effective ways to protect their tax bases.
Effect of U.S. Tax Reform on an Entity’s Accounting for Income Taxes
As you are no doubt aware, earlier this month the Senate passed its version of tax reform legislation.
Cyber Roundup – December 2017
The cyber news for November runs the gamut: from shopping scams to hackers-for-hire; from schools being targeted to cryptocurrency security bugs.
2017 Individual Year-End Tax Planning
This is a great time to execute plans which can minimize your federal and state tax obligations as well as address long-term concerns. Amid the current beehive of activity regarding tax legislation, it doesn’t seem likely that the rules for 2017 will significantly change.
Hedge Funds and Deferred Management Fees: State Taxes
As is often the case in state tax practice, changes in federal law have had a major impact on tax planning and compliance.
Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions.
Tax Advantages of Setting Up a One Person Pension Plan
High income self-employed individuals or corporation owners can save thousands of dollars on income taxes every year by setting up their own pension plan.