Cyber Roundup – November 2019
Although October was designated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, that didn’t stop any of the cybercriminals last month from doing what they do best – key logging, ransoming, hacking, phishing, etc.
2020 Cost of Living Adjustments
Plan sponsors should review the cost of living adjustments (COLAs) to determine what, if any, changes need to be communicated to employees by means of orientation meetings and enrollment forms.
Charitable Contribution Substantiation Requirements
It is not uncommon for family offices and individual tax clients to create best practices related to various types of tax preparation support and document retention.
Moving from a High Tax State? Be Prepared for a Residency Audit
“Should I stay or should I go?” sang The Clash years ago. Residents of New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Rhode Island, California and other high tax states are now singing a similar song.
Tax Planning Opportunity: Donating Appreciated Securities
Many private foundations were established using the founder’s securities. These securities may have appreciated in value over the years.
International Tax Insights – October 2019
In our continuing efforts to cover tax matters of interest to businesses with global connections, the October 2019 edition of International Tax Insights contains the following articles:
FASB Votes to Delay Application of New Leases Standard for Not-for-Profits
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) voted to delay the effective dates for changes to accounting for leases for most not-for-profits, private companies and small reporting companies.
PKF Worldwide Tax Update – Fall 2019
The latest PKF Worldwide Tax Update provides recent tax developments from around the globe.
How to Survive in a Wayfair Sales Tax Nexus World
A year ago this month, states began enacting remote seller sales tax nexus legislation. The legislation mirrored ‒ or at least rhymed with ‒ the test case legislation upheld in the United States Supreme Court’s South Dakota v. Wayfair decision.
FASB Proposed Accounting Relief for Contracts Modified Under LIBOR Rate Reform
he London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is one of the most commonly used benchmark interest rates for derivative and other commercial agreements; however, after 2021, financial institutions that currently report the information used to set LIBOR will no longer be required to do so.
Changes to the Disclosure Requirements for Fair Value Measurement
As the year-end fast approaches, the implementation requirements of FASB ASU 2018-13, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820), become effective for all entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019
Cyber Roundup – October 2019
Given the cyber misconduct reported for September alone we need to plan and devise ways to protect our cyber privacy and not wait to be victimized.