Organizations Must Address Fraud Risk on a Continuous Basis
Unfortunately, fraud is an all-to-common occurrence and no industry is immune. Intentional deception to realize unlawful gains are often perpetrated by an organization’s own management or employees, with or without the assistance of outside parties.
Proposed Changes to Accounting for Contributions of Nonfinancial Assets to a Not-for-Profit Entity
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update (ASU) entitled Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Presentation and Disclosures by Not-for-Profit Entities for Contributed Nonfinancial Assets.
SEC OCIE 2020 Examination Priorities
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), through the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE), has issued its 2020 Examination Priorities.
PKF Worldwide Tax Update – Winter 2020
The winter edition of PKF Worldwide Tax Update is currently available to those organizations and individuals with business activity outside the United States.
Cyber Roundup – February 2020
Healthy skepticism can help avoid falling for phishing schemes and way-out-there data equipment/systems scams; testing can help ensure that the data system actually works and supports your company’s stated policies and procedures; and, knowledge allows for expanding data enhancements and securing the necessary and appropriate hardware, the software and the data.
The Amazon Effect
The Amazon Effect is a term often used to describe the dominance of Amazon in the e-commerce space as well as the impact of that dominance on consumer companies.
Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits Tax Repeal: Next Steps
As we previously reported in our December 2019 bulletin, the “Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020” included a provision retroactively repealing the unrelated income business tax on qualified transportation fringe benefits (QTFB).
New Jersey Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax Act
As a way to circumvent the $10,000 state and local tax deduction cap, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed the Pass-Through Business Alternative Tax Act (“Act”) on January 13, 2020.
Winter 2020 EBP News
With the new year and the new decade comes new information that employers and participants will need to know in the employee benefits sphere.
Cyber Roundup – January 2020
The decade ended the way it began – with cybercrime in the headlines. As we ease into the 2020s, however, more ways to combat it and more laws to protect us against it are being devised.
The SECURE Act: Changes Affecting IRA Accounts
Albert Einstein once said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” Congress must be the most brilliant legislative body around because it has again made a number of tax law changes in the latest year-end appropriations bills.
IRS Requires Tax-Exempt Organizations to E-file Forms
The Taxpayer First Act of 2019 (Act) was signed into law last year. This legislation aims to expand and strengthen taxpayer rights and to reform the IRS into a more taxpayer-friendly agency by requiring it to develop a comprehensive customer service strategy, modernize its technology, and enhance its cyber security.