PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors
PKF O'Connor Davies Accountants and Advisors


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…of audit, tax and consulting services for Healthcare not-for-profit and for-profit entities. For more information, please contact your client service partner or any of the following: Keith A. Solomon, CPA Healthcare Practice Co-Leader Menachem Gongola, CPA Senior Manager Krista Karabel, CPA Manager…

If you mentioned the acronym “SPAC” a few years ago you were likely met with a blank stare. While COVID-19 led the headlines in 2020, SPACs became the hottest investment vehicle on Wall Street dominating the initial public offering (IPO) landscape and private equity has played a significant role in the SPAC boom.

Many of us are looking for ways to keep more of what we make and minimize our tax burden. One effective strategy for individual taxpayers can be the Backdoor Roth IRA.