R&D Tax Credit Opportunity for COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Equipment
In light of the pandemic, companies that previously had no Federal Research and Development Tax Credit (Research Credit) opportunity may be eligible to capture the credit on their 2020 or 2021 returns.
Cyber Roundup – February 2021
Be wary. Be skeptical. Be proactive. Anything digitalized can be breached, information obtained, and criminal activity pursued.
The “New” Employee Retention Credit – Expanding Opportunities for Independent Schools
Schools have spent 2020 adapting to an ever-changing set of restrictions – the move to online learning followed by the return to classrooms with significant restrictions and costs to create a safe environment for students.
Complying with the Tax Basis Capital Requirement
The IRS confirmed in October that partnerships would need to report partners’ capital accounts on the tax basis.
7 Reasons to Use an Investment Banking Team to Sell Your Company
Enhancing deal value and increasing certainty to close are what investment bankers do every day.
IRS Identity Protection PIN Allows Voluntary Enrollment
The IRS Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a unique six-digit number assigned by the IRS to be used in conjunction with a taxpayer’s Social Security Number when filing their federal income tax return.
Retirement Plan Nondiscrimination and Other Compliance Tests
As the 2020 plan year audit season approaches, it is important for plan sponsors to remember their responsibility for conducting required nondiscrimination and other compliance tests relating to a retirement plan in a timely manner.
Shuttered Venue Operators are Thrown a Lifeline as the Show Must Go On
Described as a lifeline, the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits and Venues Act (Hard-Hit Act) introduced a new $15 billion grant program that provides aid to the arts and entertainment industry.
The Special Purpose Vehicle – Facilitating Business and Investment Across the Globe
The overall investment landscape is evolving rapidly, and investment structures continue to adapt to the ever-changing needs and objectives of stakeholders.
Provider Relief Fund Reporting Update
…of audit, tax and consulting services for Healthcare not-for-profit and for-profit entities. For more information, please contact your client service partner or any of the following: Keith A. Solomon, CPA Healthcare Practice Co-Leader Menachem Gongola, CPA Senior Manager Krista Karabel, CPA Manager…
Business Owners – Are You Prepared if a SPAC Comes Knocking?
If you mentioned the acronym “SPAC” a few years ago you were likely met with a blank stare. While COVID-19 led the headlines in 2020, SPACs became the hottest investment vehicle on Wall Street dominating the initial public offering (IPO) landscape and private equity has played a significant role in the SPAC boom.
Tax-Free Retirement Income?
Many of us are looking for ways to keep more of what we make and minimize our tax burden. One effective strategy for individual taxpayers can be the Backdoor Roth IRA.