Check these 5 Boxes Before Choosing an M&A Advisor to Sell Your Company
Engaging an effective Mergers & Acquisition (M&A) advisor to sell your company is critical to a successful outcome. Even the fastest-growing companies in high-demand industries require an adept deal team to ensure shareholders receive the value and terms they deserve.
Taking Your Fund Private: Is it Time to Transition your Fund to a Private Family Office?
An increasing number of investment fund managers are deciding to return outside investor capital and turn their focus to their family wealth … as well as their personal lives.
Rhode Island Announces New Estate Tax Forms and Filing Thresholds
Prior to January 1, 2022, residents and non-residents of Rhode Island filed either RI Form 100 or Form 100A to report the value of estates at date of death and any related tax amounts that were due.
Another Step Ahead – Family Office Newsletter
December 2021As we continue to collaborate with contributing experts, we take another step forward to help our Family Office clients succeed […]
IRS Issues Guidance Regarding Tax-Exempt LLCs
The Notice defines the current standards a Limited Liability Company (LLC) must satisfy to receive an IRS determination letter and be recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and as described in section 501(c)(3).
Responding to Calls for Catholic College and University Endowments to “Care for Our Common Home”
Catholic colleges and universities are increasingly divesting from fossil fuels as part of their efforts to put into action Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for creation, “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.”
Cyber Roundup – December 2021
At the height of the cheesecake holiday season, there’s a cream cheese shortage. Who would have thought it was due to a cyber-incident?
The Relationship between Non-Cash Assets and Charitable Giving
Families and individuals are reevaluating how they view their wealth and are far more aware of their own mortality.
10 Things to Know About the New Art Market
With this blockbuster event as a backdrop, and in light of many months of constant change and reimagining in the global art market during COVID-19, it might be helpful to give some definition to the new art market in which we find ourselves.
How Demographic Changes Impact Family Enterprises
The demographics of what we once described as the American “family” has significantly changed since the 1960s, and especially in the past twenty years.
Navigating Through a Remote Audit
It is likely that remote auditing is here to stay. To date, most organizations have had at least one remote audit conducted on their financial statements.
FASB Improves Discount Rate Guidance for Lessees That Are Not Public Business Entities
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2021-09 that revises the application of discount rate guidance for lessees that are not public business entities.