PCAOB Proposes New Standard for Audit Confirmations
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) recently issued for public comment a proposed new auditing standard, The Auditor’s Use of Confirmation, to replace in its entirety existing AS 2310, The Confirmation Process.
IRS Final Regulations: The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Employers with 50 or more full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) in the previous year will be required to file the IRS Forms 1094-C and 1095-C (the Forms) for the 2022 calendar year.
Secure Act 2.0 – First Look at the Changes Affecting Retirement Plans
The long-awaited legislation intended to improve retirement plan savings opportunities for American workers was signed into law on December 29, 2022, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.
COP 27 Climate Conference – Key Takeaways and Potential Investment Implications
As experienced investors know, significant geopolitical and macroeconomic events are important to understand in calibrating your investment risk strategy for the upcoming year. The recent 27TH Conference of the Parties (COP 27) led to material agreements between the participating nations across various different work streams for the ultimate goal of working together to reduce global warming to 1.5C degrees through the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The Life Cycle of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)
The low-income housing tax credit program, or LIHTC as it is called, was created as part of the 1986 Tax Reform Act, specifically in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
The Private Foundation and Its Artwork
For private foundations with art collections or those anticipating receipt of artwork, valuation, donation and preservation are key areas of consideration. In this article, we aim to provide some of the more relevant considerations for private foundations with respect to artwork.
Cyber Roundup – December 2022
Long gone are the days when to be a “hacker,” you needed significant drive and technical knowledge to be a real threat.
Employee Benefit Plans Alert – Winter 2022
The Employee Benefit Services Group at PKF O’Connor Davies is available to assist employers with all aspects of employee benefit plan compliance.
Get the Right Value – Don’t Do It Alone with One Buyer
Financial buyers deploy significant resources to contact private companies to purchase a company below its true market value. Before agreeing to sell, here are some important Do’s and Don’ts for sellers to consider. Read more.
Incentive Stock Option Planning in a Volatile Market
Taxpayers across many industries receive stock option grants as part of their compensation packages. There are multiple types of stock options, each of which yields unique tax results.
Massachusetts Millionaires Tax Passes
Beginning in 2023, taxable income over $1 million on any Massachusetts income tax return will be taxed an additional 4% on top of the State’s current income tax (which is 5% for all income except short-term capital gains which are taxed at 12%).
Excise Tax on Executive Compensation for Tax-Exempt Organizations
This article provides technical information on the excise tax, IRS statistical data and oversight, and some valuable considerations when entering into new or redesigning executive compensation