IRS Considerations for Claiming the Employee Retention Credit
Recently, the IRS has implemented a few safeguards and procedures as a result of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) advocacy to ensure that only eligible businesses may claim the ERC.
CFO Insights for Cloud Computing Companies
Cloud computing is one of the fastest-growing technology sectors, both domestically and abroad.
IRS Launches Significant Step Toward Modernizing Its Information Returns Intake System (IRIS)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced the opening of its new, free portal to file electronically the 1099 series of information returns.
Crypto Asset Industry: The Mapping and Overlapping of Government Regulators
Businesses engaging in activities involving crypto assets may be subject to rules and regulations by the relevant U.S. federal authorities.
Audit Planning Considerations for Private Foundations
Foundations that undergo an annual financial statement audit should begin to plan for it now to ensure that the audit is as efficient and seamless as possible.
Best Practices: New York State Town and Village Justice Court Audits
The New York State Justices and Governing Board are responsible for the financial affairs of the Justice Court, including establishing and maintaining an effective system of internal control.
The Life Cycle of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) | Part 2 – Development
The LIHTC credits are awarded based on the eligible cost basis of the residential property which has been designated for the set aside.
Brazil’s Transfer Pricing Changes and Impact on U.S. Foreign Tax Credit
The Brazilian government recently issued draft legislation, Provisional Measure 1152 (MP 1152) to align the transfer pricing system in Brazil with the transfer pricing guidelines of The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Capital Planning and Financing Considerations for Private Clubs
The private club exists to provide an experience to members. The perceived value of that experience can depend heavily on a club’s capital assets.
Cyber Roundup – January 2023
None of us is safe as individuals or businesses from a cyberattack; however, taking steps before it actually happens can prevent its eventuality.
2023 Risk Outlook: A Rocky Road Lies Ahead
As we enter 2023, we are facing another year of uncertainty marked by high inflation, the possibility of a recession and the evolving health and safety concerns related to what some call a “triple-demic” with multiple respiratory viruses now in circulation.
Modern Financial Operations for Small Businesses
Small businesses solve daily challenges, including business growth, changing regulations, a tightening labor pool environment and rapidly evolving customer preferences.