Protecting Your Business from Cyber Fraud During a Financial Crisis
There are a significant number of questions that still have to be answered; however, there is one certainty – cybercriminals are opportunists and will leverage the recent banking collapse to their advantage.
Banking Crisis Ripe for Cyber Criminals – Don’t Fall Victim
On Friday, March 10, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank became the second largest bank failure in U.S. history. The bank collapsed in just over two days’ time, following a massive surge in requests for withdrawals from their depositors.
Value Creation and The CFO
In this first article of a four-part series, Roman theorizes that a finance function, lead by a CFO, can be the key to creating and protecting business value.
How Does the SECURE 2.0 Act Affect Your Retirement Plan?
the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (SECURE 2.0) which includes provisions that will directly impact 403(b) plans. Sponsors of such plans should be aware of the changes that will take place.
New York State’s Extraclassroom Activity Funds: What You Need to Know
Following is a summary of findings reported by the Office of the New York State Comptroller when auditing extraclassroom activity funds
Biden Administration Announces National Cybersecurity Strategy
The Biden-Harris Administration recently revealed their vision for enhancing and overhauling the cybersecurity posture and fundamental mindset of the United States.
Provider Relief Fund Reporting Reminders
…information, please contact your client service partner or any of the following: Keith Solomon, CPA, CGMA Partner, Health Care – Co-Leader 914.341.7078 | Christopher J. McCarthy, CPA, CGMA Partner. Health Care – Co-Leader 914.341.7018 | Krista Karabel, CPA Senior Manager 914.421.5679 |…
SEC Announces 2023 Examination Priorities
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Division of Examinations (the Division) recently released its 2023 Examination Priorities.
Crunching the Minimum Payout Requirement
In this bulletin, we will walk you through this rule and the calculations of a foundation’s minimum payout requirement.
Foreign Cryptocurrency: U.S. FBAR and FATCA Reporting Requirements
While U.S. individuals and businesses have long dealt with FBAR and FATCA reporting requirements relating to foreign bank accounts and certain foreign assets, one area that still may be confusing to many is the treatment of cryptocurrency.
10 Ways to Enhance Your Accounts Payable Operations
Effectively managing the bottom line requires a well-run AP process paying close attention to expenditures, internal controls and preserving cash by avoiding payment of inaccurate invoices.
Federal 2022 Business Tax Returns and 2023 Planning
As we gather information and documents for our 2022 business tax returns, it’s a good time to review how recently enacted federal tax laws.