Scott Oling, Jeff Shaver, Brian Petersen and Michele Yen will be presenting virtually at the Pre-Conference by the New York Government Finance Officers’ Association (NYGFOA) on Thursday, March 2nd and Tuesday, March 7th on Advanced Accounting. This two-part Forum builds and expands on the accounting concepts covered in Foundations Accounting and Financial Reporting. This forum will focus on:
- Identifying the appropriate fund to use for a given function or activity
- Properly applying specialized public-sector accounting classifications
- Making proper capital project accounting entries
- Creating basic budgetary journal entries and determine when a budgetary comparison is required and at what level of detail
- Increasing awareness of common errors to avoid in the Annual Update Document (AUD)
- Utilizing a Year-End Financial Closing Checklist and Annual Audit Preparation Checklist
CPE Offered by the NYGFOA
Day 1: 3 CPE Accounting (Gov’t) / GFI Advanced Forum*
Day 2: 3 CPE Accounting (Gov’t) / GFI Advanced Forum*
* To earn GFI credit, registrants must attend both days.