Please join us for an in-depth exploration of impact investing, with particular focus on opportunities and issues relevant to private foundations. Marc Rinaldi, PKF O’Connor Davies Partner-in-Charge of Financial Services, will lead a discussion with specialists Jennifer Oertel, Co-Chair of the Exempt Organizations and Impact Investing practice of Bodman PLC, and Joshua Burgher, COO and CFO of Golden Gate University. Foundation and non-profit executives responsible for investment selection will benefit from these professionals’ combined insight and expertise in impact, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing.
Key Topics:
- Best Practices for Setting Impact Investing Goals
- Designing and Redesigning an Impact Investment Thesis and Investment Policy Statements
- The ESG Due Diligence and Impact Investment Metric Selection Process
- Key Measurement Techniques
- Developing a Sound Legal and Tax Framework
Who Should Attend:
Presidents, Executive Directors, Chief Financial Officers, Controllers and other professionals in the private foundation/not-for-private arena.
PKF O’Connor Davies
Scott Brown, CPA, CGMA, Partner
Anan Samara, EA, Principal
Featured Speakers:
Marc Rinaldi, CPA, Partner-in-Charge, Financial Services, PKF O’Connor Davies
Jennifer Miller Oertel, Esq., Chair of Exempt Organizations and Impact Investing, Bodman PLC and Expert in Residence for Impact Investing, Council of MI Foundations
Joshua Burgher, MBA, MS, Chief Operating Officer/Chief Financial Officer, Golden Gate University
CPE Credit:
1 CPE Credit Specialized Knowledge
No prerequisites or advanced planning required
Program Level: Basic/Delivery Method Group Internet-based
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PKF O’Connor Davies is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE Credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: