Helga M. Trocha, CPA, Tax Supervisor and chair of the NYSSCPA International Committee, will be opening and chairing the NYSSCPA 2022 International Taxation Conference on Thursday, January 27.
Ralf Ruedenburg, Partner and Christopher Migliaccio, Senior Manager, will also be presenting “Taxation in our New Digital Business World.” In a pandemic effected world, the borders between work and commerce are ever-shrinking. Unfortunately, those borders are still very meaningful for tax authorities. This session of the webinar conference will cover key international tax issues you and your clients need to be aware of in a digital business world, including employment and income tax issues relating to remote work, how increasing sales in a new market could lead to tax issues, and the changes that may be ahead in the international tax landscape.
CPE Credits:
This conference is eligible for CPE Credits through the Foundation for Accounting Education (FAE) of the New York State Society of CPAs (NYSSCPA).
8.5 Taxation (NYSED) credits