Scott Oling, Brian Petersen, Jeffery Shaver – Partners and Michele Yen – Senior Manager will be presenting at the NYGFOA Advanced Accounting Forum.
This forum builds and expands on the accounting concepts covered in Foundations Accounting and Financial Reporting and will focus on:
- Identifying the appropriate fund to use for a given function or activity;
- Properly applying specialized public-sector accounting classifications;
- Making proper capital project accounting entries;
- Creating basic budgetary journal entries and determine when a budgetary comparison is required and at what level of detail;
- Increasing awareness of common errors to avoid in the Annual Update Document (AUD); and
- Utilizing a Year-End Financial Closing Checklist and Annual Audit Preparation Checklist.
Day 1: 3 CPE | GFI Required Workshop (Tuesday, October 26, 2021 – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
Day 2: 3 CPE | GFI Required Workshop (Thursday, October 28, 2021 – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
Must complete both days to earn GFI Credit.