We invite you to join us for a one-hour session where we will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to implement and comply with the new GASB-87 standard. Plus, we will show you a powerful, easy-to-use debt and lease management software that makes GASB-87 implementation and compliance easy for your organization!
Key Topics:
- Create a GASB-87 implementation roadmap
- Gather your leases
- Launch the internal and external review processes
- And much more!
Who Should Attend:
All municipal entities (School Districts, Towns, Villages).
PKF O’Connor Davies
Scott Oling, CPA, Partner
Brian Petersen, CPA, Partner
Featured Speaker:
Louis Stratton, CPA, CITP, CGMA, MBD, Managing Director
CPE Credit:
1 CPE Credit in Accounting
No prerequisites or advanced planning required
Program Level: Basic / Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
For information regarding complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact the PKF O’Connor Davies CPE Firm Administrator at 914.381.8900.