Government Assistance
Need help getting started?
In response to the current public health and economic crisis, the government has developed important programs to assist individuals and businesses. Our specialists are well informed on each program’s key elements and requirements and they stay abreast of ongoing revisions. We are fully prepared to help you take advantage of the opportunities these programs offer.
Discover more in our insights below:
Reference Guide: COVID-19 Related Assistance for U.S. Organizations
- New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF): Things to Know, June 23, 2020
- SBA Issues Additional Loan Forgiveness Guidance, June 23,2020
- As Deadline for PPP Loans Approaches, SBA Resumes Accepting EIDL Applications, June 23, 2020
- Main Street Lending Program Updates, June 17, 2020
- New Bankruptcy Relief Provisions for Small Businesses, June 8, 2020
- Does the PPP Flexibility Act Create a 60% Cliff?, June 5, 2020
- Senate Passes the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020, June 4, 2020
- House Proposes Changes to Relax PPP Loan Forgiveness Requirements, May 29, 2020
- New York Forward Loan Fund Aimed at Small Entities with 20 or Fewer Full-Time Employees, May 26, 2020
- Webcast: Clearing a Path Through the PPP Loan Forgiveness Maze, May 26, 2020
- PPP Payroll Costs – Don’t Jump the Gun, May 19, 2020
- SBA Offers Relief to PPP Recipients with Foreign Affiliates, May 19, 2020
- PPP Loan Forgiveness Application: An In-Depth Analysis, May 18, 2020
- PPP Loan Forgiveness Application: Overview, May 18, 2020
- IRS Relief: Increased Flexibility ‒ Section 125 Cafeteria Plans, May 14, 2020
- Paycheck Protection Program: New Needs Certification Safe Harbor, May 13, 2020
- Didn’t Get the PPP? Think About the Employee Retention Credit, May 8, 2020
- CARES Act and Single Audit Requirements, May 6, 2020
- Are Expenses Related to Forgiven PPP Loans Deductible?, May 6, 2020
- Certification of the Need for PPP Loan Funds, May 5, 2020
- Four Steps to PPP Loan Forgiveness, April 27, 2020
- SBA Issues Interim Final Rule Addressing PPP Eligibility of Hedge Funds and Private Equity, April 27, 2020
- PPP Loan Forgiveness: What Everyone Needs to Know, April 23, 2020
- New Grant Program For Small Businesses Opens Today, April 20, 2020
- PPP Loan Forgiveness – Still Many Unanswered Questions, April 17, 2020
- Paycheck Protection Program Is Out of Money. Now What?, April 17, 2020
- Webcast Recap: CARES Act and Other Support for Private Clubs, April 14, 2020
- Are Hedge Fund Managers Eligible for CARES Act Benefits?, April 13, 2020
- Federal Reserve Announces Main Street Lending Program, April 10, 2020
- CARES Act ‒ Income Tax Refund Opportunities for Corporations, April 9, 2020
- Webcast Recap: CARES Act Support for Non-Profits: Tax Relief, Loans and Charitable Giving Incentives, April 8, 2020
- Impact of Government-Provided Relief on the Private Club Industry, April 8, 2020
- Webcast Recap: How to Obtain CARES Act Tax Relief, Loans and Employment Assistance, April 7, 2020
- FAQ from the U.S. Department of Treasury on Paycheck Protection Program Loans, April 7, 2020
- Financial Relief for Independent Contractors and Other Self-Employed Individuals, April 7, 2020
- Treasury Department Issues Final Interim Guidance for the PPP Program, April 3, 2020
- Filing Deadlines, Tax Provision Changes and Opportunities Affecting Individuals, April 3, 2020
- Paycheck Protection Program Loan – Potentially Forgivable for Housing Co-ops and Condos, April 2, 2020
- CARES Act – Recovery Rebate, April 1, 2020
- Not-for-Profit Loan Assistance Under the CARES Act, April 1, 2020
- The CARES Act – Five Ways Businesses Can Receive Cash Right Now, April 1, 2020
- The CARES Act – Relief for Nonprofit Organizations, March 31, 2020
- CARES Act includes Payroll Tax Deferral and Employee Retention Credit, March 30, 2020
- CARES Act ‒ Finally Some Relief to the Hospitality Industry, March 30, 2020
- Loan Financing Alternatives and Structuring Considerations in Light of COVID-19, March 30, 2020
- President Signs CARES Act, March 30, 2020
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) – Benefits for Not-for-Profits, March 27, 2020
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act – CARES, March 27, 2020
- The CARES Act and Qualified Retirement Accounts, March 27, 2020
- Senate Version of CARES Act Passes Unanimously, Awaits House and President’s Approval, March 26, 2020
- COVID-19-Related Relief for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses, March 25, 2020